Well I bet if you asked Activision nicely, they'd JUMP at the chance to license the rights to the Spyro IP to the devs of this game free of charge, no strings attached. Definitely, I'm serious, no cap, real real.
Recent community posts
Zera: Myths Awaken [Indefinite Hiatus] comments · Replied to Emeralds57XX in Zera: Myths Awaken [Indefinite Hiatus] comments
Juice Galaxy (formerly Juice World) community · Replied to fishlicka in [Bug] Toilet realm not rendering properly
Got this problem tonight. Did a little chasing, it looks like if I run with -force-glcore everything is textured black, if I run with -force vulkan there is no level geometry other than the sgt suckerpunch boss room, some water pools, the starting pipe and some juice fountains. Other than it's just an endless void. Maybe someone smarter than me can tweak some opengl / vulkan settings to figure out a workaround?